Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the easy days

What a week!

It has started off so bad!! I have been so motivated and pumped up about working out and running, and Monday I was running on a crappy short treadmill and my foot got caught on the back of teh treadmill and I fell. Right on my knee, it immediately swelled up. Its fine now, my leg is black adn blue and sore but Im lucky that I didnt permanently hurt. But I have taken the week off of working out and it has made me feel blah. Working out is so hard when you are there doing it, but it really does make you feel SO much better. Hopefully I will get to start back up soon. (Fingers crossed)

So my Rylann funny of the week. Yesterday my mom was watching Rylann over at our house, they went outisde and Rylann picked up a piece of tree bark, he carried it around all afternoon. He does this with alot of random things, acorns, rocks etc. So no big deal right. Well he then goes and finds his fake soup can in his kitchen set up, and lays it right on top of Laramies dip can. THen puts the bark right beside it. He was pretending to "dip" like daddy. Its funny, but why do they always pick up the bad habits lol!


found my old wedding picture!! reminds me of the easy days!!!

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