Wednesday, March 16, 2011

For those who dont know, I started doing photography on the side. It is so much fun, I love it!! I love taking pictures of my children, they are of course the best models. I got this shot of Laramie and the boys this weekend. I absolutely LOVE it!! Laramie is such a wonderful dad. We are so lucky :)


Monday, March 14, 2011

We have been busyyy!! But what else do you expect with two boys under 2! I can only say that for a little bit longer!! Ry is about to turn 2!!!! Mixed emotions about this, I am so happy he is grown to be a very happy, funny, dramatic, but healthy two year old. Hopefully his attitude doesnt get too terrible!!! But he is talking a lot. I can understand alot of what he says, but you can usually understand about half of what comes out of his mouth!! He is a great big brother, he shares what he wants, and always makes "p" laugh! It melts the mommies heart for sure.

Pierce is good, he is crawling and pulling up on everything!!! He even has stood all by himself! No steps yet though!

We are so ready for summer!! One of the boys favorite thing to do is go to the park! They love it, and before you know it, we have been at the park for 2 hours!